Customized coverage
With TopLiner coverage, you can adjust your existing credit insurance to suit your needs precisely. You have the option to choose a timeframe of 30 to 90 days and an insurance sum ranging between CHF 5,000 and CHF 5,000,000.
TopLiner offers tailor-made additional cover that is adapted to your risks and needs.
With TopLiner, top-up credit insurance included in your TradeLiner policy, Coface supports your commercial development domestically and abroad when traditional guarantees don’t do the job.
TopLiner is an supplementary insurance offering for our TradeLiner customers.
If you haven't received a coverage commitment or the credit limit is insufficient, TopLiner allows you to secure supplementary protection. This option can be employed for selected buyers during a predefined period.
The price is set by assessing the risk associated with the buyer, considering both the selected coverage period and the preferred coverage level.
Thanks to Coface's expertise, you will receive a quote immediately. You can then compare this with your net margin to check whether this business is still profitable.
Online services for customers and brokers
CofaNet Essentials
Manage your contracts with our customer portal.
Business Information
Access to the business insights you need to manage risk and make informed decisions.
Broker Portal
Platform dedicated to brokers.
Innovative and digital solutions
API Portal
Explore Coface's catalog of APIs and integration solutions for our business information and credit insurance services.