Trade credit insurance for large companies

Simplify accounts receivable management with TradeLiner credit insurance.

What does Coface TradeLiner credit insurance offer?

How? By protecting you against unpaid invoices in Switzerland and abroad, whether due to insolvency or late payment. It is an all-encompassing solution that meets the special requirements of large companies with a minimum turnover of 10 million Swiss francs.

  • Indemnification

    We offer compensation of up to 90% of the loss if the insured receivables cannot be collected. This protects your liquidity and preserves your margin.

  • Prevention

    Coface constantly evaluates the financial status of your customers, offering you real-time strategic information. This valuable data allows you to negotiate suitable credit terms, select the right business partners, and foresee potential default risks.

  • Debt Collection

    Our vast international network of experts ensures the swift and efficient collection of your receivables. With this support, you can focus on business development while maintaining the trust of your customers.

Why choose TradeLiner?

If your company is a large B2B sales company with sales exceeding 10 million Swiss francs, TradeLiner is the ideal choice.

TradeLiner offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Mitigation of credit risks through enhanced management practices
  • Facilitated access to bank financing
  • Assurance of profit margins
  • Efficient management of receivables, even for international transactions
  • Decreased necessity for reserve accumulation


With TradeLiner, we provide a customized credit insurance solution

We recognize that each company has its unique organizational structure especially large ones. This is why our offers are customized to meet the specific requirements of your company and your market.

Simplify and facilitate the management of your insurance solution

Credit management platform

Our secure online platform, CofaNet Essentials, simplifies the management of your policy from A to Z. With this platform, you can:

- Access information on your business partners

- Manage your customer portfolio

- Process coverage requests

- Report unpaid receivables

- Monitor your claims


CofaNet also provides commercial risk assessments and export functions, allowing you to conduct thorough searches.

With the CofaMove mobile app, you can conveniently access CofaNet Essentials anytime and anywhere.

Coface API portal

Coface APIs facilitate direct integration between your IT system and Coface, enabling you to manage your insurance policy with your own tools and streamlining your credit management process. 

> Visit Coface API Portal

Trade Credit Insurance

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Why is Coface a suitable partner for your business?

With over 75 years of experience, we have been supporting the growth of major companies, giving us a deep understanding of your unique business requirements and allowing us to provide you with a personalized service.

A dedicated account manager and a risk underwriter are with you every step of the way, throughout the duration of your contract.$

Find out more about Coface in Switzerland

Frequently Asked Questions

See also