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  • #Economic publications

    Country and Sector Risks Barometer: Turbulence ahead?

    This comprehensive overview highlights Europe's promising economic start to 2024, Switzerland's resilience, and the broader global economic landscape, emphasizing the need for strategic financial and policy measures to sustain growth amidst ongoing challenges.

  • scientist woman in a lab

    #Economic publications

    European biotech companies falling behind

    The European, and therefore Swiss, biotech ecosystem has fallen behind the United States. At the same time, China is emerging as a fierce competitor. We need to translate European research more effectively into industrial applications, and mobilize more venture capital to keep pace with the American and Chinese giants.

Expert advice

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    • #Expert advice

    Credit Insurance vs Letters of Credit

    A letter of credit is a bank guarantee that a buyer will pay a seller on time and in full. It is undeniably a useful tool when trading internationally, but it can be limited in scope in comparison to a credit insurance.

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    Credit Insurance vs Self Insurance

    Self insurance simply means setting money aside in case of bad debt. Often, companies simply keep a sum in a separate bank account for emergencies only.

    • #Our solutions
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    Credit Insurance vs Bad Debt Protection

    Bad debt insurance offers just one kind of protection for your business: against customer insolvency and the resulting loss of income if a bill isn’t paid as a result.

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