Whistleblowing Verfahren

Als reguliertes Unternehmen ist die Compagnie Française d'Assurance pour le Commerce Extérieur ("Coface") verpflichtet, ethisch und im Einklang mit den geltenden Gesetzen/Verordnungen zu handeln. Coface fördert Redlichkeit und Integritätsstandards, um Verstöße oder vermutete Verstöße zu verhindern und diejenigen zu schützen, die Fehlverhalten im Rahmen ihrer Tätigkeit melden.

What's a Whistleblowing Mechanism?

According to Coface Whistleblowing Procedure, the whistleblowing mechanism relates to the reporting of suspected or presumed incidents, by a natural person, in good faith1 and without direct financial compensation, about a breach of a law or regulation, a threat or a prejudice to the general interest. It also includes breaches of Coface Code of Conduct.

It can concern but is not limited to fraud, corruption, money laundering, terrorism financing, breach of international sanctions, inappropriate use of company resources, conflict of interest, insider trading, infractions to competition and antitrust laws, infringement of personal data protection laws, harassment or discrimination in the workplace or inappropriate conduct in regard to Coface legal duties towards its clients.

Whistleblowers have a choice between several whistleblowing channels for reporting presumed or suspected incidents as described in the Coface Whistleblowing Procedure. As an external channel, the generic mail address whistleblowing@coface.com might be used. A declarative form will also soon be publicly available.



1 While the use of the mechanism in bad faith may expose the author to sanctions or prosecution, the use in good faith will never expose the whistleblower to sanction of any kind, even if the facts subsequently prove to be inaccurate or do not give rise to any further action.

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